Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Fall 2015

 I'm ji young.
my last name is kim.
Among them, i'm a gyeongju kim.
My ancestor is king jinheung.
He was replaced by the national organization because he reorganized the hwarando.
Besides, his accomplishments are a lot.
So, he had his moments in the 6th century.
I'm proud of him. 

Hyun Se Ji

My ancestor’s name is Hyun dam yoon
He was suppressed a ‘Revolt of the Jo-wi-chong’ at 1174 years
Originally Hyun dam yoon was powerful tribes and performance a great power
But they gained the force more powerful after 1174
In addition,  His second son ‘Hyun ihu’ was pass the civil service examination at 1186

Peter !
My family name is not common.
So searching about my ancestor is very difficult... :-(
but I can answer now this question “Who is your ancestor?”
Thank you! ^^

Cha Sun Hee
Let me introduce my ancestor's changed first name history.
My ancestor name is "Cha hyo jeon".
His father's first name is "Ryu", but grand father is "Cha"
First name "Cha" became again from "Cha" to "Ryu"
Explain the reason that first name changed many times
When "Cha seung saek" is mount the high office,"The late king" killed to other king.
So, he withdrawed from his office and prepared for biting his glove for "The late king"
But he losed his revenge, he changed first name and stayed in hiding
Then, changed "Ryu" the similarly same mean
"Ryu cha dal" in his day changed again "Cha"
His name includes "Ryu" and "Cha"
He and his two sons distinguished ourselves assist with "Wang jian"
At this time, first name changed again "Cha"
Therefore, "Cha" and "Ryu" are same blood relative.

ps. Peter! my ancestor is "Cha hyo jeon"
But I have no information about him because he is no famous
So, I'm investigating my ancestor's changed first name history.
Shin ji eun
I have been trying to find out something about my ancestors.
​His name is SINDON.
Although he was of low class by birth, he became a monk  thanks to his outstanding talent.
He was a kind-hearted and wise.
The  monk governed his people well.
By the authority of monk, many prisoners were set free.
The monk expand his sphere of influence.
​But,coruption cases were revealed file by file.
The result of this tortuous policy was the complete loss of the public's confidence.
The authority of the once mighty monk rotted away.
​He died by hand of another man.
 kwon hyo young
I think My family history begins from General Kwon-yul. He is my ancestor. Because his family name is same me “kwon” Actually, It may or may not be true. But, I hope that it is true. Why? Kwon-yul is great man in korea’s history. In 1593, Japanese Navy broke into Haengju Mountain Fortress in Hanyang. He led his team to victory as head of team. This is Siege of Haengju, which is called one of the 3 a sweeping victory with a battle at Hansan Island, Jin-ju bloody battle. So, He is hero in korea.  Likewise, I expect that i become a great man in Korea. I want to dedicate our country.  I feel very proud to be same family name.
Park so hee
나의 조상은 박혁거세이다
그는 알에서 나왔고 온 세상을 밝히라는 뜻에서 이름을 혁거세라고 지었다.
그는 13세에 왕위에 올랐고 조선(예전대한민국) 그당시, 서라벌을 다스렸다
다른나라가 신라에 쳐들어왔으나, 들판에 곡식이 그대로 널어져 있는 것을 보고 도덕을 잘 지키는 나라라고 하여 스스로 물러갔다

Lee You Jin
The first king of the Joseon Dynasty, Lee Seong-gye
My ancestor, Lee Seong-gye is a famous person what every people Know.
He founded Joseon Dynasty as the first king.
Since he was young, he very smart and he was excellent in martial arts.
Above all, he had tremendous archery skills. So nobody can overtake him.
Also, he has no authority over his subordinates.
And he governed his people well. So he was supported by every people.
I respect him and I want to be like him.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Fall 2015

Hi!! peter professor, I'm so young Lee / Healthcare management/ sophomore /Tuesday and Thursday 2:00~4:00 class.
 The reason why I'm sending you an E-mail is to tell you about my family history. My surname "Lee" is from Yeong Cheon Nam Gok group and I am.
My family's progenitor is Lee Moon-Han who was Pyeong Jang Sa at Korea generation. Pyeong Jang Sa is  a rank in Korea generation which is like a vice-minister in nowdays.
 There were people who made Yeong Cheon Lee's family proud. First is Lee Guek in and Lee Su choon brother. When it was Korea Sing Jong King era, They suppressed a rebellions and become a Sang Jang Goon and MunHwa Pyeong Jang Sa. Sang Jang Goon is  a highest rank in Militory. And when is was a Jo-seon era, Lee Bo Hum passed National literetval test and became a member of Jipyeonjeon, where king Se Jong made Hangul. Also there was a famous person who  was a mother of Jeong Mong Ju. Jeong Mong Ju  was so loyal to Korea. and also he mentally helped others to found a new country Jo seon at the same time. His mother made a poem named " The valley where the crow fought" . From Korea to Jo seon, there has been many people who made my family proud. I alway thank my ancestors and give them a huge respect for saving my family until now.
 Thank you for reading my family history. bye bye~ See you next class.

Hello I’m Kang hye won. My major is healthcare management.
Let me introduce my family’s history. My family name is Jinju Kang. My progenitor is general Kang min cheom. He is general of Koryo Dynasty. In 1018, as many as one hundred thousand of Sobaeap came to Koryo. Then general Kang min cheom helped general Kang gam chan and defeat the enemy. So they won by a landslide and he rendered distinguished services.
In the past, I didn’t have an opportunity to inquiring minutely, but now I know these facts. I am so proud of my progenitor. My father is army, too. Haha. He closely resembles my progenitor. In the future, I emulate him, I will live life to the full.

This picture is my progenitor Kang min cheom’s birthplace.

The History of my ancestor
 Choi Su Yeon
a few months ago, Korea celebrated ‘Chuseok’. Chuseok, the autumn festival celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, is a special traditional holiday to celebrate the good harvest for Koreans. Because Koreans eat traditional food like ‘Songpyeon’ and wish upon the full moon. especially we spend time with our family. So I asked my grandparents about our ancestor. I listened to the story.
My ancestor is ‘Choi Young kyu’. he is the 16th eldest grandson of the King who named Gyeongsun of Unified Silla. my grandparents said “originally, our family name is ‘Kim’. but he received the first name ‘choi’ from Chungnyeol of Goryeo in 1302. because he had passed the civil service examination in 1261 and as a ‘Suseng(present Suwon city)’ mayor, he had received recognition for his accomplishments from official duties.” then, I know why our family clan is Suseng(Suwon). and I searched about ‘Suseong Choi’. it is divided to two pedigree. one is ‘youngkyu’, the other is ‘Geogyeong’. the total number of group is 14. that’s all.
I’m surprised about two-things. I’m really don’t know that we are related in Unified silla’s king and first name ‘Kim’. through Chuseok, I was able to know about our ancestor. so, it is a very meaningful day to me. from now I think I can talk my ancestor to other people.