Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Cha Ji Seon

Yeon-an Cha()
Ancestor’s name : Cha Hyo Jeon
When I asked my mom and grand mother, they says “I don’t know, So you can search it.” Because “Cha” is father’s name. But, I don’t live my dad from high school. So, I’m apologize I searched for it. Cha Hyo Jeon is not famous ancestor. So, he comes only in the dictionary. The Cha ceremony is called Yangyun, Ho is Gangchon and Shiho are Moo Yeol Gong, By establishing a big achievement in the founding of Koryo, along with his father, Daejoong, Ryuchadal, he was sealed by Taejo to Daegeunbyeok, Mr. Cha is a surname in China, He was named as a king and his descendant Wang Mong was named as Chun Seo, He changed his name to Cha by means of Shin, and his name was Cha Mu-il. The 33-year-old Cha Seung-hyeol of Cha Mu-il attempted to assassinate King Hwang-deuk who assassinated the throne and failed to assassinate King Hwang-do. He was replaced by Yuji, and his six-year-old Yuriga-dong became the kingdom of Koryo, and his eldest son, Hyo- And the younger brother Hyanggum became the founder of Culture Yuji after Yu. Mr.Yoon was seated as a Daeseong from Silla to Korea University and had 25 victories.

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